
This blog will be about my coding/programming learning journey. Earlier this summer, I have tried learing to code and that lasted about a good three months. Now I’m trying to get back to it and hopefully this time I can keep it going.

So stick around if you are interested in what I will be studying.

All my previous works can be found in my github repository.

Below is just testing image for Markdown image link.

And yes, I am a huge WoW fan

Test Image



Test Code

Below is test sample code to check kramdown

class <className>:

    <class_attribute_name> = <value>

    def __init__(self,<param1>, <param2>, ...):
        self.<attr1> = <param1>
        self.<attr2> = <param2>
        # As many attributes as needed

   def <method_name>(self, <param1>, ...):

   # As many methods as needed




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