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Since inlines and blocks have their limitation, something better was invented A way to move around and position boxes more flexibly : Flexbox


  • It will be explained in the Rules, but you should apply the property
    display: flex;
    to the parent element of the element you want to apply flexbox to
  • When you apply flexbox, there are many properties that are now available

Rules of Flexbox

  • You do not talk to the children, you talk to the parent element

  • If there is HTML code like below :

  • In order to apply flexbox to <div>s, you apply flexbox property to <main>
main {
  display: flex;
  • justify-content align items according to the main axis of the flexbox
  • align-items : align items according to the cross axis of the flexbox

main and cross axis

Flexbox Properties


  • The main axis and cross axis can be inverted using flex-direction
  • the property value default of flex-direction is row
  • By changing this value between row row-reverse column column-reverse, you can invert and flip the main axis and cross axis


  • By using the property flex-wrap and correct values, you can make flex children to wrap around depending on screen size
  • If you do flex-wrap: wrap;, elements will wrap around if there isn’t enough space to fit in

Practice Flexbox

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