Notice! *These posts are basically my learning notes.*
There can misinformation and mistakes :(
If you find any wrong info, please leave a comment and I will get to it asap!

What is Position Property

  • The position CSS property sets how an element is positioned in a document
  • Depending on the property value, they can be static, relative, absolute, fixed or sticky

Fixed Position

  • if an element is position: fixed;, whether you scroll or change screen size, the element will stay in that position
  • If you give top, right, bottom or left property to an element that is position: fixed;, this will determine the fixed location of that element and will ignore other elements
  • Usually you can use this for the menu bar on the top part of a website

Static Position

  • This is the default position
  • position: static; will just place the element where you placed them initially

Relative Position

  • When you use position: relative;, you can use top, right, bottom or left to move around the element relative to its position while it was static
  • The starting position is based on the parent element

Absolute Position

  • This one is more similar to Position Relative but more extreme
  • By using position: absolute;, the element will move based on the the closest relative parent element and not the direct parent element unless direct parent is position relative
  • if HTML is written as below:
  <div class="”directParent”">
    <div class="”absolute”"></div>
  • And CSS as below:
.absolute {
  position: absolute;
  right: 0px;
  • .absolute will position based on <body>, instead of .directParent because <body> is the closest relative parent element

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