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Pseudo Selector

Non Pseudo Selectors

  • So far, we know three ways of selecting HTML element from CSS
  • The name of the tag: by simply writing the name
div {
  width: 100px;
  • The name of the id combined with #
#sampleId {
  height: 100px;
  • The name of the class combined with .
.sampleClass {
  position: absolute;

What is Pseudo Selector

  • Above method is great and should be used in most cases
  • However, sometimes you might want to select, for example, the last div or the first one
  • These kind of complex selections can be achieved using pseudo selector
  • Pseudo Selector can be used by adding : after regular selector and choosing the pseudo selector
div:last-child {
  background-color: whitesmoke;
  • Above CSS will apply background-color of whitesmoke only on the div that is the last-child
  • you can choose not only first or last child but there are many options like span:nth-child(even) which will apply only to the even number spans


  • It is also possible to combine selectors depending on parent-child relation of the selectors
  • If you want to change the color of spans only when they are inside p, try the below
p span {
  color: tomato;
  • This will only color the spans that are inside p
  • You can also add more parents as long as it follows the structure of the HTML
  • If you want to. apply the above only to the direct children, you can add > between p and span
p > span {
  color: tomato;
  • If you want to apply above to the span that is next to(brother) of p, you can add + between span and p
p + span {
  color: tomato;
  • If you have something between p and span but still want to keep above property, you can use ~ instead of +


  • Selectors can also point out to the state of HTML elements
  • Most useful are active, hover, focus, visited and focus-within

Practicing Pseudo Selectors

  • There are much more to Pseudo Selector
  • You can also choose according attributes of HTML and much more
  • One of the best place to practice is the link below
  • Pseudo Selector Practice

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