Notice! *These posts are basically my learning notes.*
There can misinformation and mistakes :(
If you find any wrong info, please leave a comment and I will get to it asap!

Basic Info

  • HTML is the markup language that describes the content of a website
  • HTML doesn’t have error - Browser will try to show you content even if HTML is wrong
  • You put your content between and opening tag and its corresponding closing tag
<h1>Hello this is a title</h1>
  • Some tags like anchor tag <a> can be more complex thus requiring more info which are called attributes.
    For example, <a> requires an href or hyperlink reference attribute like this.
    <a href=“”>Go to</a>
  • Some tags don’t require closing tag because they are a self-closing tag <img />
    These self-closing tags don’t require any text thus don’t need to have opening and closing tag.
    Just like an image which is the content itself.

Structure of HTML document

The Structure

  • First line is always <!DOCTYPE html>
    this makes it easier for the browser to know this is an HTML document

  • <html> </html> comes after
  • <head> </head> is between
  • <body> </body> is after head
  • The basic structure looks something like this
<!DOCTYPE html>
  <head> </head>
  • Head is where we configure the website.
  • Things such as <title> </title>, <link />, <meta />, etc. will go here
  • When you are linking CSS and Javascript to HTML, they also come here
  • In most cases, the content of the tags in Head will be invisible on the page itself
  • Most information here are to be read by browsers and search engines

Tags Tags

  • In Head and Body, we will need to use a lot of tags
  • There is no way we can memorise all the tags
  • When in doubt, best place to look is MDN
  • You can find any Tag or Attributes you need for HTML, CSS and Javascript
  • <tagname attrname="“attrvalue”">Content</tagname>

Semantic HTML

  • Some tags can mean something to the programmer but can’t be seen intuitively to the user
  • <main> or <header> are some of the most well known of these types
  • These are basically boxes that contain other tags and helps in making structure of the website
  • By using semantic tags, we can make websites more understandable programming wise and thus makes development easier




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