What is HTML?
Notice! *These posts are basically my learning notes.*
There can misinformation and mistakes :(
If you find any wrong info, please leave a comment and I will get to it asap!
Basic Info
- HTML is the markup language that describes the content of a website
- HTML doesn’t have error - Browser will try to show you content even if HTML is wrong
- You put your content between and opening tag and its corresponding closing tag
<h1>Hello this is a title</h1>
- Some tags like anchor tag
can be more complex thus requiring more info which are called attributes.
For example,<a>
requires anhref
or hyperlink reference attribute like this.<a href=“https://google.com”>Go to google.com</a>
- Some tags don’t require closing tag because they are a self-closing tag
<img />
These self-closing tags don’t require any text thus don’t need to have opening and closing tag.
Just like an image which is the content itself.
Structure of HTML document
The Structure
First line is always
<!DOCTYPE html>
this makes it easier for the browser to know this is an HTML document <html> </html>
comes after<head> </head>
is between<body> </body>
is after head- The basic structure looks something like this
<!DOCTYPE html>
<head> </head>
- Head is where we configure the website.
- Things such as
<title> </title>
,<link />
,<meta />
, etc. will go here - When you are linking CSS and Javascript to HTML, they also come here
- In most cases, the content of the tags in Head will be invisible on the page itself
- Most information here are to be read by browsers and search engines
Tags Tags
- In Head and Body, we will need to use a lot of tags
- There is no way we can memorise all the tags
- When in doubt, best place to look is MDN
- You can find any Tag or Attributes you need for HTML, CSS and Javascript
<tagname attrname="“attrvalue”">Content</tagname>
Semantic HTML
- Some tags can mean something to the programmer but can’t be seen intuitively to the user
are some of the most well known of these types- These are basically boxes that contain other tags and helps in making structure of the website
- By using semantic tags, we can make websites more understandable programming wise and thus makes development easier
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